Edustart ShivajiPark
Mumbai, India
About Edustart ShivajiPark (formerly known as HeadStart) was founded in 1998 by Maureen Sequeira, a renowned childhood education specialist in Mumbai. Within a short period of time, the multi-activity center for preschool children became known for its standard of excellence in teaching children from nursery and kindergarten, preparing them for a confident entry into Bombay's best-known mainline schools. The Edustart franchisee center at Shivaji Park, run by Mrs. Ritu Singhi, is located at Cadel Road. She has been successfully running the center since 2007. The center is fully equipped with everything your child needs to enjoy during his/her early learning years. Amply endowed with indoor and outdoor activities where children can play and learn in a stimulating and safe environment, the center offers one of the lowest child-teacher ratios.